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Installation View. Off-shoot Flower Painting Pottery, SSamzie Space, Seoul, Korea, 2002

Too Early Too Late 2002 (Detail)

Too Early Too Late 2002 (Detail)

Too Early Too Late 2002 (Detail)

Too Early Too Late 2002 (2002)


During the show, different kinds of flower arrangements for specific ceremonies and anniversary events such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, weddings, funerals, and so on were delivered to the gallery space and in every week the previous arrangements were stacked over in the corner. At the end of the show, flowers in bloom and withered flowers were jumbled together and memories and seasons were all tangled. Each flower arrangement in the gallery space was both too early and too late. 


너무 이르거나 너무 늦은 2002  (2002)


이 작품은 추수 감사절이나 크리스마스, 결혼, 장례식 등 특별한 날에 쓰이는 여러 종류의 화환들이 전시장에 하나 둘씩 배달되면서 시작된다. 그리고 한 주가 지날 때마다 지난 주에 배달 되었던 화환들은 전시장의 한 구석으로 옮겨져 쌓여진다. 이 과정의 반복을 통해 전시의 마지막에는 아직 싱싱한 꽃들과 시들어 버린 꽃들이 모두 뒤섞여 쌓이게 되며, 결국 이 전시장의 꽃들은 각자에게 너무 이르거나 너무 늦은 마지막을 공유하게 된다.


Installation View

Off-shoot Flower Painting Pottery, SSamzie Space, Seoul, Korea, 2002


Too Early Too Late


Flower, sound

Courtesy of the artist

Photo: Kim Wooil ⓒYeesookyung


Flower arrangement: Sponsored by Christian Tortu

Music: Composed and performed by Kim Hyung Tae


Exhibition History

Off-shoot Flower Painting Pottery, SSamzie Space, Seoul, Korea, 2002


Too Early Too Late (detail)

Courtesy of the artist

Photo: Kim Wooil ⓒYeesookyung

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