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For direct inquiries

Installation View. Constellation Gemini, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Korea 2012

Installation View. Constellation Gemini, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Korea 2012

Flame Variation 1-1

Flame Variation 1-1(detail)

Flame Variation 2-2

Flame Variation 3-3

Flame Variation 4-4

Flame Variation 5-5
Flame Variation (2012-Ongoing)
Flame and Flame Variation evolve from Yeesookyung’s Daily Drawings, a series she began in 2004 as a daily practice of self-reflection and exploration of her identity as a woman. These early drawings, reminiscent of mandalas, are as meditative as they are awakening.
Building on motifs from Daily Drawings and Flame paintings, Flame Variation is digitally mirrored and then meticulously hand-painted, resulting in uncanny yet sublime images that duplicate the sacred and secular, the conscious and subconscious. Rendered on silk scrolls, the paintings echo the iconography of Gorguryeo tombs murals and incorporate the symmetrical spatial organization of Tibetian Buddhist altar paintings. Both meditative and energetic, these works evoke layered, allegorical meanings in a non-linear, contemplative manner. (Explanation of work by Jeesun Park)
불꽃 변주 (2012-현재 진행 중)
<불꽃 변주>의 밑그림은 2005년부터 2009년까지 그렸던 <불꽃 드로잉>의 특정한 부분을 선택한 후 그 이미지를 디지털 프로그램을 통해 거울에 비친 것처럼 좌우 대칭이 되도록 제작 되었다. 엄격한 규칙아래 제작되는 불교 탱화의 제작 방식을 이용해, 내 머리속에 떠오르던 기묘하면서도 아름다운 천상의 이미지들을 표현하려고 한 작품이다.
Installation View
Constellation Gemini, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Korea 2012
Courtesy of the artist
ⓒNational Museum of Contemporary Art, Korea
Installation View
Courtesy of the artist
ⓒNational Museum of Contemporary Art, Korea
Flame Variation 1-1
Pigment on silk
Painting 70x120cm / Scroll 195x138cm
Courtesy of the artist
Photo: Kwack Gongshin ⓒYeesookyung
Flame Variation 1-1(detail)
Courtesy of the artist
Photo: Kwack Gongshin ⓒYeesookyung
Flame Variation 2-2
Pigment on silk
Painting 70x120cm / Scroll 195x138cm
Courtesy of the artist
Photo: Kwack Gongshin ⓒYeesookyung
Flame Variation 3-3
Pigment on silk
Painting 70x120cm / Scroll 195x138cm
Courtesy of the artist
Photo by Kwack Gongshin ⓒYeesookyung
Flame Variation 4-4
Pigment on silk
Painting 70x120cm / Scroll 195x138cm
Courtesy of the artist
Photo: Kwack Gongshin ⓒYeesookyung
Flame Variation 5-5
Pigment on silk
Painting 70x120cm / Scroll 195x138cm
Courtesy of the artist
Photo: Kwack Gongshin ⓒYeesookyung
Exhibition History
When I Become You, Daegu Art Museum, Daegu, Korea, 2015
The meaning of time, Locks Gallery, Philadelphia, USA, 2014
K-P.O.P.─Korean Contemporary Art, Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei, Taiwan, 2014
Flame, Ota Fine Arts, Singapore, Singapore, 2013
Korea-NRW, Osthaus Museum Hagen, Germany, 2013
Constellation Gemini, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Korea, 2012